This episode is all about the Create & Launch program, which starts live next week on May 9th. I’m sharing how I started teaching online courses in 2016, about how hard the first recordings were and what I’m doing differently now to make it easier. I also talk about how offering courses is a great balance of sharing skills and making some extra income for me and offer some tips for deciding what you might want to create a course around.

Here is the program sign up:

Let me know if you have any questions!



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⋒ Hi, my name is Yarrow.

My show is a podcast for introverts who want to build gentle & sustainable businesses that are aligned with their values and fun to work in. Subscribe to be supported in defining your own ethical marketing compass, building rock solid systems and finding the confidence you need to thrive.

You can learn more about my work and listen to other episodes at I also offer free monthly Spark Sessions and share resources, ideas & new episodes about once per month over on Substack